
Non-Partisan Conversations.

It’s Time.

Let’s  VOTE   BC,

In ..


Find out why at a TownHall?  

778-560-4444 Toll Free MSG.

Next BC TownHall 2024



Port Alberni, BC

Authorized by BC Rising, registered sponsor under the Election Act, 250-883-7402

If you don’t go … does it matter?

..  more than you might think!

The topics being discussed:

  • Healthcare in British Columbia
  • Property rights for owners and renters
  • The safety of your children
  • Your right to accurate information
  • Legislation that affects you and your family
  • How you can make a difference in your community

Open to everyone !

All Politicians are welcome.

BCTownHalls2024 Vision

At BCTOWNHALLS2024, we are committed to revitalizing the tradition of face-to-face dialogue in a digital era. Our vision is a community where each voice is not only heard but respected, fostering unity, understanding, and informed decision-making. By organizing live, moderated town-hall discussions on vital issues, we enable citizens to engage critically with experts, officials, and one another in a neutral, respectful setting.

We operate as a self-funded, non-partisan organization, independent of political and activist groups, dedicated to transparency and inclusivity. Our efforts in community engagement aim to mend societal divides through constructive dialogue, promoting a culture of informed citizenship and active engaged civic participation. This approach helps build trust and lays the groundwork for a more informed, unified and people first future.

Listen..ask questions…get answers..take action

Questions?   –   Information   –      How You Can Help !   

Host a Smaller “TownHome” gathering?

 Get your friends together. Would you like to host a small TownHOME gathering or Community TownHOME (Pot Luck/ BBQ?) event?

ANY size group (4 to 400+), we’re here to support you with the information you need.   We can help, just click here and let us know!

Can’t find the answer to your question on the site?

* Please contact us here.

* Read this and decide – is a TownHall for you?  

Do any of these issues matter to you and your  Family?

If your answer is yes, please come and talk about it.

* See all the TownHall events happening in BC

   at a glance

* What are TownHalls all about?

* How do they work?

* Take the lead and organize a TownHall?

I’ll Help out , but I don’t want to organize.

Share the link.

Bring 2 friends..

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